Stephen Ross

Stephen Ross

Head of Business Development, Americas

Steve is S-RM’s Head of Business Development in the Americas, coordinating both Cybersecurity and Corporate Intelligence practices. He has over 13 years of experience in the cybersecurity and intelligence fields working with the federal government, large enterprises, and small businesses alike. Steve got his start in information security through his time in the United States Marine Corps as a special operations signals intelligence operator and linguist. After leaving the Marine Corps, Steve transitioned to the private sector as a cybersecurity and privacy consultant.

Steve specializes in enterprise risk management, data privacy and security, and client relationships. He has a wealth of experience across multiple industries including technology, media and entertainment, and telecommunications. Steve has led numerous security risk assessments, written information security policies, and built cyber risk management teams across multiple industries and competencies. Steve has served as lead for incident communications, developed cyber risk-centric automations, and performed countless contractual reviews and negotiations.

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